Thursday, October 2, 2014

Forum Post 1: About me and the Medias I consume

   This is not my first time in Media and Society. I have taken the class once before, and I was not a sucesful student durring that timer period. However, I have returned to my accademic career with a newly found motivation and passion for learning. The ideas and aspects of the Media that we discuss in this class are of great interest to me. Understanding how newly develop technology, along with social norms and interactions, is changing the way we share and obtain information. Developing a solid grasp on this notion is essential to any career or field that we may intend to pursue as students. 
   I have not yet declared my major. I have every intention of going into mass comunications of some sort, but I am currently torn between Journalism and Marketing. Working in advertising has such a creative apeal to me; being able to design a selling concept or persuasive idea in not only words but visually as well really draws me in. However the power of speach and the written word really pulls me towards more of a journalistic career. Someday I would love to have a part in an unbiased news source that people can turn to to escape the liberal or conservative undertones of so many publications. 
   I am interested in many aspects of the media, but I think if I had to chose one it would be the music industry. I want to learn more about how the internet has revolutionized the way artists make money off of their work, as well as how conglomerate radio companies have mainstreamed what we listen to. 
   Something I am passionate about would definatly be music. I am really drawn to wel-written, lyrically strong artists. Right now (like everyone else in the world) i am really into the Black Keys. Not only do they write extremly well, they are very talented musicians with creative and original instrumental work that could easily stand on its own without lyrics. On an odder note I really like alt-j and the Arctic Monkeys, as well as older artists like Sir Elton John (always classic) and the Rolling Stones. 

   I dont partake much in online games. I think the closest I have become to a gamer in recent years would either be the very few times I have broken down and played a few rounds of candy crush, or when we kick it old school and play some Super Smash Bros on my Nintendo 64. 
   That being said, I found Janes outlook on Gaming to be really refreshing. She was able to take one of the most negative stereotypes asociated with our generation, and in a logical way, show the value that we have so blindly been over looking. People before her have made arguments in the defense of serious gamers, mostly in the cookie cutter articles about gaming being good for your eye sight, reflexes, mental response time, etc. But Jane actually made a solid case for Gaming developing a "Human recourse" as she called with all of these highly desired traits that we could be using in society. The issue with the style of argument that she made is USUALLY that the upsides or beneficial traits in the subject of discussion quickly become far fetched or easily disproven. I didnt feel that way about any of the super powers that Jane used as the meat and Patatoes of her argument, in fact I was impressed with her original yet logical insight. I think in moderation Jane could definatly be onto something big. Gaming through her perspective is creating a culture of people eager to work for the bettering of society and the word around us. The reason I say in moderation is because like any substance or easily overdone activity, i think the wrong personality type could and easily will become removed from reality to a dangerous extent that could comprimise their mental, physical, social, or emotional health. 
   Second Skin does a fantastic job of showing some of the common drastic effects of being a "gamer". I dont believe its our placeto judge as a society whether or not Gaming at excessive levels in unhealthy or wrong, becuase there are far to many variables for us to make such a black and white statement. On the one hand, you have The man who lost his job when he became overly involved in WOW. He gained an unhealthy amount of weight and became depressed, with no intention to stop or try and change for the better. On the other hand, is the man who has been severly handicapped his entire life and deciedes he would rather live in a world where he can be in a new fully functioning body, and have high self esteem, to be happy. I mean can we really tell him he is wrong or acting in an unhealthy manner? I cant bring myself to make a definitive judgment on MMO gaming overall, its far to broad and there are to many moving pieces.